Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Work and play on Kibbutz Lotan


  1. Scenes from our daily life in Lotan.... Elinor watering a composted/mulched garden bed...girls picking tomatoes for breakfast....Elinor separating worms from composted material... Samantha and Na'ama in the Bustan eco-village.....a view of the mud-construction playground.... Dessert with the eco volunteers at 7 pm.... Arron digging up something or other.

  2. Looks like fun! Can we see some hummus???


  4. seeing these pics has me missin' the arava!! send me a note when you want to get to Ketura and meet some peeps!

  5. Hi.
    This place gets better and better. So better that we are extending by an extra week. We are feeling very much part of this little community.
    our daily routine is:
    -either arron or amy starts work at 6. The other brings three kids at 7. work alternates between working with mud making mud domes or walls or working in the organic garden. We first make mud by placing clay rock, straw, sand and water into a big mixer. Too much detail but it's fun and for real- we have made a wall that will provide shade to two rooms.
    - 8.30am is breakfast. This kibbutz milks goats and makes the creamiset yogurt.
    - back to work at 9.30am to 11.00
    - 11 to noon. we then home school the kids for an hour a day. For this we use books we brought along or they write in a journal. Samantha plans a book launch on return.
    - 1pm is lunch. This is the biggest meal of the day and is usually hot such as stews and chicken
    - afternoon is play/sleep/pool/read. It gets up to 43 degrees.
    - Dinner at 6.30pm. Lots of salads, eggplants. Most Kibbutz members and volunteers eat together in a big dining room
    - Dusk is the best time of day. Amazing pink sky. A run around the paremeter of the Kibbutz is about 5km. there are loads of warning signs on the East side of the Kibbutz as we sit along the Jordan border.
    - evening is playing on the lawns mostly. They have really well maintained greenery and open lawns. everything is well irrigated. we have been for a few dusk walks to the Kibbutz date planation and sand dunes.
    - has anyone ever played a card game called 'SET'? The WAWT is addicted.

    For those that are following the news, we are nowhere near Gaza and don't plan on being on Turkish boats soon.
