Friday, May 21, 2010

KIBUTZ LOTAN. An eco kibutz in the desert

We have arrived to our Kibutz in the middle of an Israeli desert!


  1. So send us some photos and share the experience - look forward to next installment of the WAWT extravaganza

  2. Hi kibbutzniks. Glad to hear you are having a great time. Looking forward to the next edition of WAWT

  3. Kibutz lotan is relaxed. This is us chilling. Jake got his first ever haircut (2nd if you count a drunken episode about two months ago).
    News: Jake crawls. Elinor eats fruit and vegies. Samantha is awol with some new friend. Arron is writing a screenplay. Amy is either unpacking or packing I cannot tell.

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  5. yo blogogogogoer"s!

    lots of fun happaning here in Kubutz Lotan!
    were building houses out of mud and doing earth friendly stuff.

    mum and i are going to make a mud sculpture in the playground here soon. were milking cows and goats wich is how the kubutz makes its money. they also grow dates here so its heaps of fun!!!!!

    miss you all in america and australia!!!!
    love me (samantha) (: (O:

  6. I am anxious to see a photo of the newly shorn Jake. I am missing you all and missing out on all the fun you are having. I love reading about all your activities. Keep the photos coming.

  7. now have skype up and running. user name: arronwood
    calling my evening run around the kibutz this afternoon top 10 runs of all time. just spectaccy. gotta go and finish last 50 pages of 'girl who played with fire'- a cracker.

    Bye, Arron (addicted to Houmous)
    Can you overdose from hoummy? Must check insurance coverage.

  8. Hi Amy, Arron, Samantha, Elinor, and Jake!! your adventures look amazing, keep having loads of fun :). I will be in philly the same time that you all are, so let's make sure to meet up again!!!

  9. I want to see photos of the shawn Snake Man!

  10. Hi Elinor (and family!),
    We are hard at work today 'making things'. Saskia made a fairy home! We are using all sorts of recycled bits and pieces. We love seeing your photos!

    From Mr Mac, Saskia, Julian, Lucy D, Blaize, Spencer, Charlie, Aaron, Axel, Callum, Tom, Bethany, Lucy O, Lily, Amelie, Harry, Renee and Lucas.

  11. Hi JSC. Elinor says it is great to hear from all her school friends.
    The recycling project sounds fun. Our Kibutz where we are staying in Israel attempts to live sustainably. That is they try to put back resources into the earth equal to what they take out for everyone's needs. So they have lots of recycling here. And solar power, compost toilets and a lot of the food comes from the local organic garden. Elinor and her sister Samantha picked two buckets of tomatoes yesterday which then made it onto the dining room table that lunch! Elinor says she misses everyone. Please post again soon. Bye!

  12. HI Family

    Perth fam here - all good - winter settling in so lots of cooking - we would love to have your organic vegetables to cook with. M&M have their Denmark cousins in town at the moment - so lots of fun going on there. Millicent is sitting tests and doing auditions for High School. Matilda is doing her usual thing of being caring and sharing. Parents all fine - Tom studying and Shani relieved not to be travelling and assessing the future. Pool negotiation done - let it begin!!!! Want it complete by arrival of the WA team

    Lots of love


  13. Hi Shani and Wood Weavers.
    First purchase on arrival at home will be a composter.
    Then we will be planting a vegi garden.

    What show is Milipenny auditioning for?
    Go Matilda.
    I will be happy to be the first test dive in the pool. I know a double pike manouver.


  14. You can spend the weekend setting up my veggie garden - I look forward to your expertise. Mill is auditioning for John Curtin High School - a performing arts HS. Love the photos. S

  15. Please organize choko seeds. Hankering for choko pie.

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