Saturday, July 3, 2010

King of Jerusalem in week 2


  1. July 3 is Jake day in Jerusalem!!!
    Family Cohen x 10 (Elliot is 3rd cousin to Arron).

  2. check the youtubes of Jake on his 1st birthday
    for others youtubes we have recently posted search under woodarron one word.
    We are leaving Jerusalem tomorrow (Sunday) and heading to the Sea of Galilee.

  3. Caught up on all the You guys look so chilled. I am in Porto now - did a big site walk today - this really is a beautiful city - would love to come back with fam. Heading home Wed - let's try and do a skype catch up tomorrow. S

  4. Hi,
    Israel is NOT what i thought it would be.
    i thought that everywhere you go would be desert, and that no people would speak english. but i was TOTALLY wrong. most of the people speak good english and surprisingly everything is kept green. we haven't been eating that many falafals witch was a disapointment to me. its ok though the food's pretty great. I have gotten used to the weather, I don't mind if it is 43 degrees now. We swim a lot and usually the water is pretty and there's lots of fish. We learnt how to catch fish in the Sea of Galillee today with our feet. By going near the bank of the water, and when the fish come around the edge (we put bread there) you step hard on the water edge and splash the fish to the shore. Then we chucked them in a bucket and watched them.

    I've been proud of myself that I've been watching soccer. I'm not usually a soccer person but everyone is into the world cup here. We bought a Jabalani ball (this is the ball used in South Africa). The games are on at 9.30pm here which is a good excuse for me to tell Dad to stay up late.

    I miss my friends and everyone ALOT. Things here sometimes remind me of home. We only have 18 days left in israel. Two months went soooo fast. Then onto NEW YORK!!! And I will be 10 in 34 days. Geeez McGeeez.

    See ya,
    From Samantha

  5. Twelve amazing days in Jerusalem, and then another complete change of scene with the move up north. Two big highlights in Jerusalem came in the final few days. The first was walking the Via Delarosa - partly for the people watching, and partly because to find the stations gets everyone involved. Also because Station 5 is across from best felafel in town (pic above). Second highlight is Herodian Museum, a complete set of ruins under the present-day Jewish Quarter. Full view of 2000 years of history - quite amazing. Sad to leave our quite comfortable, sunny and spacious apartment but glad to be able to wear shorts again.

  6. Thanks very much for the necklace!!
    Wear it all the time.
    Whats the story behind it??
    xxx milli

  7. great vids of jake and the fam! bamba yum.
