Thursday, July 22, 2010

Golan Heights extended stay week 2. Nimrod

We have really loved this place.


  1. Woman on right is a hitchhiker Amy and Samantha picked up. The story goes that 10 minutes into the ride she took a phone call and then cried the rest of the trip. They could not understand what she was crying about. Samantha pretended to take a photo of the scenery in order to capture her.

    Bottom pic is a piece of art we bought. The 'Hansa' is a Israeli symbol for good luck. Lady above needs a Hansa.

  2. Yummy pizza Samantha! You must be close to leaving Israel. Me in Germany.

  3. we leave in 3 days! C'moooooooooooon New York!!!!

  4. hahaha the hitchhiker story sounds fuunny:)
    all looks really pritty guys.
    xx millie
